Wednesday, January 28, 2015

This is fun! 

When you change your Facebook language to 'Pirate' a bunch of messaging changes. As an example, instead saying "Joe Blow likes your post" it tells me "Joe Blow fancies yer scrawlin' ". Hehe. I like that.

Here's how.

At the top of your Facebook window, look for the down arrow to the right of 'Home', 'Find Friends' etc.  It should be the last item on that bar.  Click on that down arrow and choose "Settings."  If you don't see an option for "Language," look on the left hand margin and click on "General."

To the right of the word Language you'll see a blue "Edit." When you click on this a window pops up which allows you to select a lot of languages including "English (pirate)."

I think Facebook should add more options, like "Ebonics" and "Jive."  So, if someone comments it would be like, "Yo niggah, dat bitch Shelly jus dissed you"

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