Saturday, January 31, 2015

Maybe its a better beer than I thought

 NAH! Really?
Surveillance of Burgler who Broke into Liquor Store, and Stole Keystone Beer

Check your pocket change!

And perhaps you too could say this: 

Apple Has the Most Profitable Quarter of Any Company Ever


Although, the story doesn't give any information about how old the quarter is, or in what U.S. Mint it was printed.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Binge drinking

does not help you forget. Instead, it blocks your brain from storing memories. Think of it this way: You spend all night enjoying a video game, but when you're ready to quit it won't let you save.

Life is Strange

Episodic Video Game Released 1/30/2015

Looks interesting. Sort of a time travel, murder mystery, social justice, coming of age, walk through TV series - set in an Indie movie atmosphere.  May even appeal to more female players than the typical video game.

(Click through to read more)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Public - Science Devided

The only thing the general public and scientists closely agree on in questions asked in a recent poll is that the International Space Station has been a good investment.  

Some areas you may be surprised scientists disagree with you include GMO's: 9 out of 10 scientists say they're safe to eat.  Pesticides?  68% of scientists see no problem with them.  Favor offshore drilling or fracking?  More of the public feels this way than the scientists.  And of course its already widely known that the general public is less likely to believe in human caused global warming.

Here's one of the interesting charts from a study done by the PEW Research Center, with more info at their site.

The DEA is tracking your movements, in real time

I don't do drugs, but I certainly don't like this.

The Atlantic does their best Bill Maher impression: "We've traded our freedom to drive around without being tracked for next to nothing. Those who would cede essential liberty for the promise of security may deserve neither, but ceding it for the promise of a drug free America is just delusional."

From the DEA's website: "2014 Year in Photos"
Which is a little odd in itself, isn't it?

Iran calls for assasination of Netanyahu's children

(If you don't know who Netanyahu is, he's the Prime Minister of Israel.  Not exactly the same thing as president, but kind of equivalent.)

This story, by the Washington Free Beacon, popped up briefly on Google's news aggregator, then disappeared.

Iran is encouraging its terror allies to pursue the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s children by publishing personal information about them, including photographs of the kids lined up in crosshairs, and declaring, “We must await the hunt of Hezbollah.”

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Feminist Women Need Our Protection 


From Ace of Spades: 

"[W]omen are such fragile, delicate creatures, utterly maladapted to this world, that they should be confined to large farms where they can organically till the soil and sing goddess songs during their sisterhood rites while protected from masculine technology such as written language, harsh words, standards, and sarcastic eye-rolling... "

If I accepted Feminists' own views of their fellow women."

Its 5 o'clock somewhere

Might as well join 'em.  No one likes to drink alone.

The Most Pesticide-Heavy Fruits And Veggies Of 2014

When I do a garden, I always do it organically. I believe you can have better, larger, and more abundant food that way.

Which makes me wonder, "why are organic products more expensive?" Just because it has the word organic on it. So, I don't buy organic products, because I don't like dishonesty.

However, I might start buying organic potatoes. Apparently they soak up more pesticides than pretty much any other food in the supermarket.  Makes sense, when you think about it.  Pesticides are sprayed on the plant above ground, they soak into the ground, and the potato sits there and absorbs all the gunk.  If that line of reasoning is correct, then even washing the potato won't help you remove the pesticides.

However, I have some doubts about some of the other veggies and fruit that show up on the EWG's (Environmental Working Group) "Dirty Dozen" list.  Reason being, they have explanations such as "A single Snap Pea sample carried 13 different pesticides."  A single sample?  Other explanations tell us, "over 99% of apples sampled" tested positive.  So what am I to make from the 'single sample' explanation?  Were a lot of the samples pretty bad, but in one case they were horrible, or were all samples clean except one?  Given that Greenies have no compunction to tell the whole truth if untruth fits the overall narrative better, I'll take my chances that Snap Peas are just fine.

This is fun! 

When you change your Facebook language to 'Pirate' a bunch of messaging changes. As an example, instead saying "Joe Blow likes your post" it tells me "Joe Blow fancies yer scrawlin' ". Hehe. I like that.

Here's how.

At the top of your Facebook window, look for the down arrow to the right of 'Home', 'Find Friends' etc.  It should be the last item on that bar.  Click on that down arrow and choose "Settings."  If you don't see an option for "Language," look on the left hand margin and click on "General."

To the right of the word Language you'll see a blue "Edit." When you click on this a window pops up which allows you to select a lot of languages including "English (pirate)."

I think Facebook should add more options, like "Ebonics" and "Jive."  So, if someone comments it would be like, "Yo niggah, dat bitch Shelly jus dissed you"

Microsoft to release a free version of Power BI.

It gives you ability to create some truly amazing dashboards, easily link tables, expose data from SQL servers, and lots of other really cool stuff.

This video is long, and its dated (2013), but it does give a detailed overview.  Note that the free version may not include everything in the video:


My friend Lærke tells me that in Danish the word "Gift" means "married" and "poison."

Global Warming in Real Time

I'm agnostic on the causes of global warming (why do people have to make things up, or lie, if they have the truth on their side?), but there's no doubt there has been warming, as this video clearly shows: